Max Bramer

Professor Max Bramer

Emeritus Professor of Information Technology, University of Portsmouth, UK
Honorary Secretary, International Federation for Information Processing
Chair, British Computer Society Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence

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Max Bramer

Web Programming with PHP and MySQL

Published by Springer-Verlag. 2015. 388 pages + front matter . ISBN: 978-3-319-22658-3 (Print) ISBN: 978-3-319-22659-0 (eBook)

Introductory textbook covering all the main features of the 'web programming' languages PHP and MySQL together with detailed examples that will enable readers (whether students on a taught course or independent learners) to use them to create their own applications or understand existing ones. A particular focus is the use of PHP to generate MySQL commands from a script as it is executed.

Each chapter includes aims, a summary and practical exercises (with solutions) to support learning. Chapters are designed to stand alone as far as possible, so that they can be studied independently of the rest of the text by those with some previous knowledge of the languages. There is a comprehensive glossary of technical terms, together with extensive appendices for quick reference of language features.

Suitable as a textbook to support courses at undergraduate or postgraduate levels in a wide range of subjects including Computer Science, Business Studies, Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics and Forensic Science

  • Focuses on understanding of the basic techniques of using both PHP and MySQL
  • Useful as a textbook and also for self-study
  • Each chapter contains practical exercises to enable readers to check their progress, and there is a full glossary of technical terms

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Chap Page Line Change
9 134 Fourth box 'if ($text==$default)' should read 'if ($value==$default)'
10 156 8 'carrriage' should read 'carriage'
10 161 -7 (not counting boxes) 'lines of HTML' should read 'lines of PHP'
15 257 2 'mysql.php' should be 'sql.php'
15 281 Third box Should be
17 316-318   Some of the components of pages 316-318 have been printed in the wrong order. Replacement Pages (PDF)
19.1.11 (Logical Functions) 353 8 'see Chap. 9' should be 'see Section 10.2.2'
19.6 (Principal HTML Tags) 365   Three of the entries in the left-hand column have been left blank. They should be as follows:
<b> </b> Start and end bold font
<i> </i> Start and end italic
<u> </u> Start and end underlining
19.7 (Specimen Solutions) 366 9 Solution to Exercise 2(a) should be
I live at 26 Queen's Road

Last updated January 14th 2025

Function Indexes

Ordered by Category

Ordered by Function Name


This is a collection in zipped form of some of the PHP scripts used in Web Programming with PHP and MySQL plus some of the text files used for data. Please notify any errors to the author using the website contact form. Contributions are welcome!

Right-click to download [Last updated December 27th 2017]

Directory Structure

This is a zipped copy of the directory structure shown at the bottom of Chapter 7 Page 94 of Web Programming with PHP and MySQL, including dummy files, in a form suitable for uploading to readers' own websites. Note that (for obscure technical reasons) empty directory tmp should be added before uploading.

Right-click to download

Database Tables

These are dumps of four database tables referred to in Web Programming with PHP and MySQL. They have all been exported in SQL format.

Chapter 12 Page 209 Right-click to download mytable6.sql

Chapter 13 Page 229 Right-click to download mytable5.sql

Chapter 13 Page 229 Right-click to download mytable4.sql

Chapter 17 Page 304 Right-click to download mytable2.sql